Bank Holidays always cause confusion, or is it just me?
They seem to appear when you are too busy to enjoy them, and the weather isn’t always kind.
The worst thing is the confusion it causes me that week. I think Tuesday is Monday and so on….
That being the case, we have managed to get through a tidy volume of work.
Jane had a great meeting with Mark Davies, MD of Office Right, and met the team who were great fun and really understood customer care.
We are enjoying looking after their Twitter account for them, so please follow @OfficeRightBiz.
It’s way more than stationery Office Right offers, the Executive Conference Room furniture is simply sumptuous!
We have supported the Wiltshire Citizens’ Advice Trustee Board and Corsham Institute Executive Management Team respectively, with minute taking.
Networking as guests of Giant Peach at the Valeroso Lounge on Thursday where we met up with some old friends and met some new ones – a lovely evening.
Sandy had a great meeting with Anita Jaynes, Editor of The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire to discuss our article and advertising.
Sandy was thrilled to find out we had won a Start-up September prize – Carl Readers new book – Thanks TBESW.
We have had another enquiry though this webpage to support a local SME, and we are thrilled. We are meeting with her next week to find out exactly how we can help.
On her way over the Hartham Park, Corsham this morning, Jane was patiently waiting in a queue whilst the local farmer moved the herd to another field. Look at who she met.